Dott. Nicola Lanteri

CPA since 1982, and Statutory Auditor.

Mr. Lanteri graduated with honors with a Master’s in Business Administration at the University of Genoa in 1982.

He is a visiting professor for the Master’s Program in Corporate Tax Law with the Bocconi University in Milan as well as a member of the Council for Business Law for Assolombarda in Milan.

He has spoken at seminars and conferences on tax and finance issues, and is the author of a number of articles and studies on tax matters. In particular, he was a contributor to the Il Sole 24 Ore newspaper’s Law and Tax column, as well as a member of the Editorial Committee for the review “International Tax Law and Practice,” with managing editors Profs. Victor Uckmar and Claudio Sacchetto.

Nicola Lanteri has been a member of the International Fiscal Association since 1987.

He works in Italian, English, and French.

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